Singer, actor and cannabis campaigner Olivia Newton-John has launched a foundation to fund “kinder” cancer treatments including medicinal cannabis.

The new foundation will “fund the discovery of kinder therapies and advocate for more effective ways to prevent, treat and cure all cancers,” and aims to help fellow cancer sufferers. 

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  1. My 90 y.o. mother was crippled with back & hip pain, on loads of opioids, not eating or sleeping, doctors doctors doctors!! So I said enough is enough, got a referral to a lovely pain specialist, he looked at Mum’s scans & said you shouldn’t be living in this pain. She now takes .75 twice a day & has her life back. For someone who is totally independent, leading a great life it was very very sad to see her in that state. She has sold her home & now lives in a new home in an over 55’s village closer to me, but best of all, is independent again.