Legalise Cannabis WA has announced its second tranche of Legislative Assembly candidates for the state election in March.
In Baldivis, medicinal cannabis patient Mark Charles will challenge minister for energy, environment and climate action Reece Whitby, while sailmaker John Bell will take on minister for regional development and fishers Don Punch in Bunbury.

Web designer Jessica Yu will challenge the Liberals in Cottesloe, with founding LCWA member Leo Treasure going up against Simon Millman in the traditionally Liberal seat of Mount Lawley.
In the city centre electorate of Perth, party state executive member Shannon Yeh will take on lands and planning minister John Carey, while medically retired mining employee Phil Lesley will look to build on the 6.8% share of the vote LCWA achieved at the 2023 by-election in Rockingham.
In the new seat of Secret Harbour, Royal Australian Navy veteran Jim Matters will go up against police and veteran’s issues minister Paul Papalia, with LCWA president Fred Mulholland leading the charge in Thornlie.
Long-term disability worker and advocate Shelly Leech will challenge current Liberal leader Libby Mettam in Vasse, while business manager Kunal Parbat squares up against family and domestic violence minister Sabine Winton in Wanneroo.
LCWA announced its first 10 Assembly candidates last week, with a third tranche expected to be made public before the end of January.
In the upper house, sitting MP Dr Brian Walker is at the top of the ticket, followed by Melissa D’Ath, Dr Craig Buchanan, Frances Barns, Will Safar and Jason Meotti.