Last week, NSW Greens MP Cate Faehrmann introduced the Cannabis Legalisation Bill 2021 to the State Senate.

Now before you get your hopes up, this bill is not going to be passed into law. It won’t even pass the Senate. But that’s not the point – this is the Greens demonstrating their commitment to cannabis legalisation, and getting the issue on the agenda to be debated.

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Rhys Cohen

As well as being editor-at-large at Cannabiz, Rhys is the director of Cannabis Consulting Australia, which provides commercial consulting services to various domestic and international cannabis companies....

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1 Comment

  1. Firstly congrats Rhys on a great piece, a timely contribution.
    The state monopoly model you describe above does have its advantages from a harm reduction perspective. It’s based on previous government attempts to regulate tobacco.

    If anyone would like to read in further detail about this and other models including home grow and social clubs, and how they can reduce harm if implemented in thoughtful ways, I invite them to read pages 92-100 of my thesis on commercial model in the States –

    Hope you find it interesting and/or helpful.

    Cheers, Todd