They say ‘don’t shoot the messenger’, but that really depends who the messenger is, and how much damage they’re doing. Emma Castle finds out whether celebrity chef Pete Evans is a hindrance or a help in the crusade to raise awareness around medicinal cannabis. 

Former My Kitchen Rules judge and cannabis advocate Pete Evans says and does some stupid things. The charge sheet is long, but his most recent indiscretion – posting a neo-Nazi symbol on social media – saw him promptly dropped by a bunch of brands including Coles, Woolies, Channel Ten and his book publisher. 

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Prior to launching Cannabiz, Martin was co-founder and CEO of Asia-Pac’s leading B2B media and marketing information brand Mumbrella, overseeing its sale to Diversified Communications in 2017. A journalist...

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  1. NO. Absolutely NOT. I do not want Pete Evans to be associated with this. We have to be very careful that every ‘Tom, Dick and Harry’ does not cash in on this to promote his own cause and use it as a banner to promote himself.

    What has he ever contributed, when I have been putting my career on the line to get it off the ground? A cook is not on the front-line in the medical industry!! Tell him to keep his place as a cook.

    People will treat it as a joke and he will spoil all the years that I have dedicated to this. It is people like him that have ruined it over the years. He would be the last person that I would agree to joining in.

    I wouldn’t want to be associated with him. I’m a double doctorate, two PhDs, and I have been working very closely with cannabis for some years helping people. Getting this off the ground. Very professionally and legally.

    I do not want to be associated with a cook in this. There are things that he puts up that I do not agree with. We don’t want Pete Evans and these know-alls to spoil everything that myself and others have been quietly working on for many years. I can see people trusting in a doctor, but I cannot see people trusting in a cook!!!

    Keep it professional and gain credibility with astute people. “You are known by the company you keep” and I don’t want his “cook company” around this.

    Tell me, would Pete Evans have me with a double doctorate sit at the table with him judging a dish/recipe??? I think NOT. So keep him out of cannabis.