Legalise Cannabis WA MP Dr Brian Walker has slammed the federal government for its refusal to recognise the economic benefits of adult-use legalisation despite the country being A$27 billion in the red.

Dr Walker hit out at what he called the “pig-headed intransigence of the federal government” after it helped vote down Greens Senator David Shoebridge’s Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023 in November.

“Late last month, we watched the Labor and Liberal parties vote down a proposal to legalise cannabis in the federal senate,” Dr Walker said.

Dr Brian Walker

“Today (Wednesday), we’ve seen the treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, hand down a budget update which puts Australia $27bn in the red, and predicts 10 years of budget deficits to follow.” 

Dr Walker noted his ‘Missing Budget Paper’, tabled in the WA Parliament in 2023, estimated a revenue boost to the state budget of $1.25bn over four years if cannabis was legalised for adult use in WA.

“Those aren’t my figures,” he said. “They are figures produced by a respected economist from UWA’s School of Business, and they come complete with all the equations and workings necessary to scale our local findings up to a national level.

“With just over 10% of the Australian population resident in Western Australia, it isn’t difficult to see how national legalisation of cannabis could easily net the federal government $12.5bn in one hit.

“And that’s from legal consumption and taxation alone. It doesn’t even begin to look at the flow-on to the economy from a burgeoning hemp industry, free of its current regulatory shackles.

“With ordinary Australians crying out for mortgage relief from the central bank, and cost of living relief in general from the federal government, can we really afford to throw good money after bad by refusing to reclassify and legalise cannabis, if our economy is going to take such a hit?” 

“I was going to send Dr Chalmers a lump of coal for Christmas. After all, since May 2022, the Albanese Labor government has approved seven new coal mines or expansions, with 1,513 million tonnes of lifetime emissions,” Dr Walker added.

“Instead, I think I’ll gift wrap a copy of the Missing Budget Paper, and courier it to Canberra in time for Christmas. Perhaps the treasurer can read it over the break, and hopefully learn something from it.”

Prior to launching Cannabiz, Martin was co-founder and CEO of Asia-Pac’s leading B2B media and marketing information brand Mumbrella, overseeing its sale to Diversified Communications in 2017. A journalist...

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