Cannabis wellness company Cannaray is one of the first CBD brands to use television advertising in the UK with the release of its new ad campaign.

Ad Week reports the 30-second ad, directed by Emmy winner Benjamin Green and produced by creative agency BigSmall, shows brand ambassador and comedian Claudia Winkleman discussing her own perception of the CBD revolution.

The agency was careful to adhere to the UK Advertising Standards Authority’s expectations and the Clearcast code to ensure the advertisement would not get banned, BigSmall partner Matt Edwards explained.

He added: “In this case, with Cannaray being one of the very first CBD brands in the UK to advertise on TV, we worked closely with Clearcast’s copy development team at the very earliest stage of script development, which made for a really smooth approval process.” 

Released on August 23 and backed by an outdoor advertising campaign, the ad depicts Winkleman marching through a forest with an army to lead the CBD revolution. It is then revealed that Cannaray’s ‘revolution’ does not align with this image.

Edwards said: “We got to the revolution idea quite early in the process, which allowed us the time to search for the best person to lead the Cannaray CBD Revolution in the UK.”

The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry Centre for Medicinal Cannabis has estimated the UK’s consumer CBD market will generate US$976m in sales this year.

The promotion of CBD in Australia is subject to the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s advertising code.

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Hannah Adler

Hannah is a communications professional and early-career researcher in the disciplines of health communication and health sociology. She is a PhD student at Griffith University currently writing a...

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