Heyday chief medical officer and co-founder Dr Jim Connell says cannabis has the potential to be a game changer for many patients – but the current focus on high-THC medicine is holding the industry back.

For the last seven years I have been prescribing cannabis as a medicine. It has profoundly affected the way I practice. It has instilled a new passion for learning, and has provided me with so many new treatment tools for people who are suffering.

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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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  1. Absolutely correct. I very much hope for information out of Israel, where they have been extracting minor cannabinoids and terpenes to test individually on a range of conditions.

  2. Some valid points there Jim!

    After visiting many cultivation farms and comparing the quality of products of some of the Australian-grown raw flower (which we love, and support) and some Canadian grown, many Australian growers seem to be in desperate need of cannabis-specific expertise. It is a scientific undertaking to consistently produce cannabis medicine at scale to a standard that offers the most efficacious outcomes for our patients and that meets label claims repeatedly.

    Canada’s amnesty on cultivators has allowed some of the best growers in the world to come to the medicinal market, a move that could have been replicated here. Inhibiting imported products to accelerate the growth of the Australian cultivation landscape, in my opinion, may only serve to short change our patients – some of whom rely on high-quality, high-THC flower to manage their conditions.

    I agree, we can work together to solve these issues, in collaboration, with our patients’ best interests at heart, to meaningfully progress our industry in the right direction. There are multiple siloed organisations aiming to target some of these issues as lobby groups, and I agree with you completely, the most meaningful way to make sure we’re taking the right steps to move the industry forward is through better collaboration, regulatory engagement and education!

    Some great points there mate, including minor cannabinoids and how effective they are, well done!